June 21,1958 [38] "The Case of
the Terrified Typist"
Director Andrew V. McLaglen
Teleplay Robert C. Dennis,
Philip MacDonald, and Ben Brady
Story Erle Stanley Gardner's 1956 novel
The office of a South African diamond
company located in the same building as Perry's office is
robbed and the suspect matches the description of a
typist who spent some time working in Perry's office.
This is just the beginning of a series of strange events
that leads Perry into the courtroom defending Duane
Jefferson for murder.
When the jury brings in a verdict of
guilty, Burger believes he finally has a victory over
Mason. It looks that way until we realize that the
defendant is an imposter.
James Kincaid alias Duane Jefferson Alan Marshall
Gertie Lade Connie Cezon
George Baxter Jack Raine
Judge Hartley Kenneth MacDonald